Deoni Cows & Lal Kandhari

Deoni Cows

Species : Cattle
Breed : Deoni.( The Deoni breed of cattle also sometimes known as Dongari (which means "of the hills"), has been evolved within the last 200 years.
Origin : It is claimed that it has been developed from a strain descended from the mixture of Gir and Dangi and local cattle. A contribution from the Gir type of cattle is quite evident in the formation of the head and ears, and also of the horns to a certain extent.
They also show a great similarity in general conformation and ruggedness to the Dangi cattle of Bombay State, an area which is not far from the Deoni cattle breeding area.
Distribution : The Deoni is a very popular dual purpose breed of cattle of Marathwada region of Maharashtra state and adjoining parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states, The actual place of origin is Deoni, Udgir and Ahmedpur taluks of Latur district. It is also found in Parbhani, Nanded and Osmanabad districts of Maharashtra and Bidar district of Karnataka.
The physical characters
Body :

Deoni is a A wedge shaped barrel and well placed, Deep chest, well arched ribs, strong straight back, Strong quarter’s heavy dewlap and pendulous sheath, Udder is moderately developed. Teats are black, cylindrical with rounded tips, and are squarely placed.

Body weight :

Birth weight –Average 23.4kg (Range 20 to 25kg)

Adult body weight ranges from 620 to 680 kg in males and from 432 to 485 kg in females.

Body color :

Body color is usually spotted black and white. This breed has 3 strains viz. (i) complete white animals without any spot on the body (ii) complete white animals with partial black face and (iii) black and white spotted animals

Skin : The skin is loose and of medium thickness, The hair is soft and short.
Height : 150 cm in males & 139 cm in females
Head : The head is medium sized,
Face & Fore head : Lean face but not clean cut .The forehead is less prominent, convex and bulging The face is also similarly patchy and spotted with black and white.
Muzzle : Black in color
Horns : The horns curving outwards and backwards.
Neck : Long and massive
Hump : Well developed in males
Briskets : Well developed
Ears :

Ears are grey-white, or complete white with black pinna. Ears are dropping like in the Gir .In some animals ear tip is slightly curved

Eyes : Eyes are prominent and bright, with black eyebrows and black eyelashes.
Tail : Switch of the tail is black and white reaching below hock joint
Switch of tail : Black in color
Limbs : Limbs are clean, straight and powerful.
Hooves : Hooves are black and symmetrically placed
Age of breeding : 36-40 month
Age at fist calving : Age at first calving ranges from 894 to 1,540 days
Inter-calving period : 447 days
Lactation period : 300 days
Daily lactation in peak period : 8 Lit /day
Lact. Yield : The average milk yield is 1590 kg. some animal goes 1800 kg with best management and good feeding practices
Dry period :

Dry period is 160 days

Gestation period : Gestation period is 280 days
Service period : Service period is 140 days
Milk fat : 4.5 %


Why Deoni breed.

  • This breed is Dual purpose breed it means Animal have characteristic intermediate between milch and Draught breeds.
  • The cows of this breed gives average 1500kg milk in 300 days of lactation.
  • Some cows of this breed gives up to 1800 kg milk in 300 days of lactation. on good feeding and management practices
  • Calving ease and minimum dystocias, with more birth weight of calf.
  • Bulls of this breed are looks very beautiful white in colour used for breeding purpose only.
  • Bullocks of this breed are very strong powerful so good for farm cultivation,
  • This breed is higher disease resisting power specially tick born diseases
  • These breeds have good heat tolerance power, (Marked tolerance to direct sunlight and radiation.)
  • The bullocks of this breed are well suited for heavy work due to the black and hard hooves.
  • These are the some of the good characters of this breed so farmers rear this Deoni breed.


Red Kandhari

Pure Indian breed. One of the most popular breed in cows. We are highest breeder of these cows. over 30,000 pure breed cows bred till the date.
Healthy Cows, living in a healthy and clean habitat.

Species : Cattle
Breed : Red Kandhari
Origin and Distribution :

This red kandhari breed found in purest forms in Kandhar ,loha Mukhed,Biloli tahsil of Nanded District.Ahemdpur, Latur ,parbhani Hingoli Akola Amravati district of Maratwada Adilabad,Nizambad District of ANdhra and Bidar district of Karnataka state.

This breeds bullocks are very useful in Agricultures works
The physical characters
Body Red Kandhari is a Medium sized Animal strong and robust. The body is compact, squarely built and not massive, the animal has a fine bearing and intelligent look. The bull has a majestic gait. The Animal are energetic and vigours and are usually docile.
Body weight :

Birth weight –Average 25kg (Range 20 to 30kg)

Adult body weight ranges from 600 to 650 kg in males and from 450 to 480 kg in females.

Body color : Body color of animal is uniform dark/deep dark red but variation from dull red to almost dark brown is found. The bulls are as rule has a shed darker than cows. The coat is devoid of any patches.
Head : The head is moderate size, well proportioned with clear cut out lines.,
Face & Fore head : The forehead is broad between eyes, slightly Bulging
Horns : Horns are evenly curved, Medium size about 25cms.with thick base and taper to blunt point..
Neck : Neck is short, strong and straight medium sized.
Shoulder : Shoulder are tightly muscled, well set in and merged smoothly with general cylindrical shape of the body
Dewlap : Dewlap is medium sized with few folds.
Briskets : Well developed
Ears : Ears are long ,dropping sideways with rounded tips
Eyes : Eyes are shining with black color around the eyes,
Tail : The tail is well set to the body ,fairly broad tapering and moderately long with good black switch extending well up to cornet
Limbs : Limbs are clean, straight and powerful.
Hooves : Hooves are black and digit closely set, black hair around the coronet encircle forming a ring
Cows Red Kandhari cows are low producer of milk but they have amazing high breeding efficiency
Birth Weight The birth weight ranges from 18 to 22 kg
Age at Maturity Age at maturity 951 days
Age at fist calving Age at first calving 1274 days
Inter-calving period : 472 days
Lactation period : 278 days
Daily lactation in peak period : 3 Lit /day
Lact. Yield : The average milk yield is 600 to 800 kg. in 280 days
Dry period :

Dry period is 198 days

Gestation period : Gestation period is 280 days
Milk fat 5 %

Red kandhari are preferred for heavy works, bullocks are very active and famous for good speed and load capacity, A pair of bullocks can effectively cart twenty quintals of load at speed of 3.6 km/hrs

Farm operation. Different farm operation like harrowing cultivator and ploughing the work power are good