About Us

India holds one of the biggest grounds for animal husbandry in the world. With its steady rise and presence in the world market, it needs to inculcate a blend of new techniques with the prevailing traditional practices of rearing. Parbhani AgroTech Pvt Ltd is established to fill the technological void prevalent in India.

Livestock in India holds prime importance in various facets of life like food, agriculture, rural transportation, raw material and its utility and its utility value is well reflected in its contribution to foreign exchange. Even today most of the agricultural operations in India rely on livestock. At the global level, livestock contributes 15 per cent of total food energy and 25 per cent dietary protein. With only 2.29 per cent of the land area of the world, India is maintaining about 10.71 per cent of the world's livestock. The livestock sector contributed 4.11 per cent to the national GDP during 2012-13.With total livestock population of around 512 million, 60% of which are milch animals, India is one of the leading nations that cultivate livestock and commercialize its byproducts at various levels.

In spite of a livestock population encompassing obviously diverse possibilities of housing different scales of cattle related businesses, the realized number of corresponding Indian parameters is often seen to be less than that of rest of the world. This is so because livestock in Indian terrain is repetitively exposed to challenges like slaughtering, lack of grazing grounds, marketing balance, improper care, inferior quality of breeds, consistence draught etc. Shortage of feed and fodder, loss of traditional cattle breeds, inadequate infrastructure and contribution to global warming are some of the other major concerns facing livestock sector.

Maintaining existing traditional breeds and cultivating the varieties for increased production, holds acute importance considering fluctuating trends of percent rise and fall per year in the population of various types of livestock in India. Thinking on this line gives us clear idea about the critical importance of saving and growing Indian livestock in an era not fit to easily survive in.

Parbhani AgroTech Pvt Ltd strives making Indian Animal Husbandry reach its zenith and bolster rural economy. We envisage creating a holistic practice combining the old science and new advances in animal husbandry to make this sector much more lucrative.

What bolsters our confidence in this sector is the old umbilical cord connecting the zeal of Indian farmer and sacrosanct yet scientific knowledge provided in the Ayurveda. Truly speaking, we wish to implement, promote and reinvigorate our inheritance in this ever growing sector.

We adhere to following objectives:

•  Commercialization of Traditional Rearing of Buffalo / Cattle / Goat by applying Latest management skill & technology.
•  To create a Model indigenous breed farm for upcoming Indian entrepreneur & Traditional farmer.
•  100% utilization of farm Resources.
•  Expanding new Technique and technology to villagers and traditional farmers.
•  Creating awareness of scientific mythology for farm breeding.
•  The purpose of quality standardization will achieve our main objective to make Indian meat and milk to
    achieve international reputation,
•  Study Collect



Ideally the project move around the Indian Farmers and holy association with our indigenous Cattle which have proved from last so many centuries is the ideal business model for self sustainability for our farmer in our village base economy. We just want to add our latest management skills and technology from all over the world to make most profitable venture for our self and creating a new model for our fellow farmer and young entrepreneurs to indulge themselves in our activity to create wealth for themselves. Value additions to cattle’s and farmer in this so called modern day Global Village, where we have lost focus on our KAMDHENU.

  1) Rearing of Cattles. Buffalo / Cow / Goat and desi Murghi
  2) Breeding of Buffalo / Cow / Goat for achieving the international standard and getting Best output in terms of Milk / Meat.
  3) Best Breeded bulls will help our local cattle to convert themselves in to pure breed.
  4) Rearing of Osmanabadi breed will helps to to reduce calving time and have triplet Kids which will work instant money to drought farmer.
  5) Creating low cost technique to increase herd number which will help the farmer to earn more.
  6) Educating Farmer on grass cultivation and showing its success in our farm to give them quality stems for propagation.
  7) Show casing indigenous breed rearing business model to the farmer
  8) Creating a business model to earn 10,000 per month through rearing of cattle and fodder cultivation in 2 acres.
  9) Promoting PANCHAGAVI through our holy cow.
10) Creating a product line in our farm for PANCHAGAVI. Also establishing World first PANCHAGAVI clinic in our farm.
11) Promoting PANCHAGAVI product through Own Retail chain / e commerce /Media.
12) Joint VENTURE with international breeding companies to promote our 39 breed of cow / Buffalo.
13) Creating product line from cattle waste : Biopower / Biofertilizer /Vermicomposte / Gomutra.
14) International training institute to farmer for rearing and fodder cultivation.
15) One stop solution to farmer across India for Cattle and fodder management & Farm requirement.

We have plan to plant 1,00,000 trees at Farm, out of that 24000 trees has already been planted, which is helpful to farm and animal Fodder.
We have planted following trees at our farm:- Anjan, Kanchan, Peru, Bor, Jambhul, Bel, Gulmohar, Cheri, Nimb, Badam, Moha, Boganvel, Shivan, Aapta, Pimpal, Umbar, Kaut, Bambu, Karwand.
We have plan to plant 25000 Neem trees to take bio security benefit. Have vision to educate the farmer regarding benefit and value of Neem tree.