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When shopping for shampoo or conditioner, always check product labels. Just because chemicals are toxic doesn’t mean they aren’t used. For example, did you know that sodium lauryl sulfate is known to cause cataracts in adults and improper eye development in children? Regardless, it’s a common ingredient in most varieties of shampoo and conditioner. In addition to being common, the following ingredients are known dry out the scalp, irritate oil glands, corrode hair follicles, and are best avoided!

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Ammonium lauryl sulfate
  • Derivatives of lauryl alcohol
  • Myreth sulfate
  • Propylene glycol (also known as antifreeze)
  • Olefin sulfonate (deodorized kerosene)


Benefits of Organic Shampoo and Conditioner

Ingredient quality is the primary difference between organic and conventional hair care products. Think of it as natural vs. synthetic. Organic products gently infuse your hair follicles and skin cells with natural minerals, herbal extracts, and oils. Natural ingredients such as organic tea tree can help address skin conditions such as dandruff and scalp irritation. Beta glucan is another ingredient that helps sooth an irritated scalp.

If you are looking for shampoo that stimulates healthy hair, look for products that containaloe vera and coconut oil, as they are natural moisturizers. If you need enhanced shine, choose something with organic shea butter.

When you use organic shampoos and conditioners, you’re also helping the environment by letting biodegradable substances go down the drain instead of harsh chemicals. Below are a few of the natural hair care and skin care products that I like to use.